Announcement Subject:

Personal Data Protection Act Policy in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562

Due to the Government announcement on the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562, the data or information of customers, suppliers, employees and/or the visitors & concerned parties in the relation of the Company business are required to keep, collect by disclosing such data in the safe process and using the data objective by getting the consent from the Data Owner. Then, the Company has established the Personal Data Protection Act Policy as follows:

  1. The Company has treated and respected the individual rights of customers, suppliers, employees, and relevant parties.
  2. The Company has asked for individual data related to work when necessary or required by the legislation and being subject the permission from the Data Owner directly.
  3. The Company has informed and asked for permission from the Data Owner first about the right on data objective such as gather, collect, disclose the information.
  4. The Company has set up the data administration process, the usage & disclosure of individual data strictly and safely.
  5. The Company has formed the Data Controller, Data Processer and Data Protector of the individual data ensuring their information will be used according to the right objective and not being used for other purpose apart from the permission or not making any damage to the Data Owner.
  6. The individual data such as race, nationality, political party, religious & beliefs, sexual orientation, criminal record, health history, disability, DNA, biological data, face model data, iris or fingerprint and any data that the Personal Data Protection Committee has declared and announced in the aforesaid Act that they are treated as the sensitive information. If all that data is required to keep, use, disclose, the Company will get the consent from the Data Owner clearly and use such the data carefully and confidentially.
  7. The Data Owner has their own right to access, review and waive the usage of their data during the time that the Company has maintained their information.
  8. The Company has gathered and treated the individual data for the foreign employees as same as Thai employees.
  9. The company will set the agreement with external and external parties (either external customers or foreign countries) to secure the data protection efficiently and per the legislation strictly.
  10. The individual data will be treated as the Company asset that it is not allowed anyone to violate, disclose, access by using the data for their individual interest or destroy the data by not getting the permission from the Data Controller. Any violation is being under the highest penalty included the lawsuit and other damage compensation that set up by the law.

The Company has implemented this policy strictly and/or any other relevant policies that all employees and concerned parties are required to fully comply with them to meet the objective efficiently.

Revised and announced dated 26 October 2023.